Michelle Elder

Name of Accused:

Date of Arrest:

Charges for Arrest:

Cruelty to Children

Cruelty to Children

Officer’s Narrative:
[Please note: The following is a direct transcription from the official initial incident report. The Georgia Gazette does not fix any spelling or grammatical errors that may exist. Any changes or redactions made by our staff are placed inside brackets. Some errors may exist. All subjects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The topics discussed may be sensitive to some readers. Discretion is advised.]

On 06/12/2023 I, Ofc. Arriaza was dispatched to [200 BLOCK] Tanglewood Drive Apt. [REDACTED] at approximately 2346 hours in reference to a domestic violence call while on patrol for the City of Monroe Police Department. Upon arriving on scene I could hear yelling and observed multiple individuals outside the residents pointing towards the house at myself and other responding units.

The front door of the home was open with a net see through curtain. I entered the residence where I observed a male subject identified as [VICTIM #1] on top of a female subject holding her down by her wrist with her hands above her head on the couch. The female subject was identified as Michelle Margret Elder. I did observe [VICTIM #1] with blood on his face where it appeared to be coming from the area of his upper lip.

[VICTIM #1] then got off of Elder when asked to by police and was detained, once split up I placed Elder in handcuffs and removed her from the residence with Ofc. Priest. [VICTIM #1] remained in the home with Ofc. Couch and Cpl. Robertson. Elder was advised that she was only detained at the time during our investigation.

Once outside Elder stated that her and boyfriend ([VICTIM #1]) were arguing because he was upset that she was in the home drinking alcohol. She stated that he tried leaving the room after the verbal argument, this was when she grabbed him by the shirt to stop him from leaving the room. Elder said that she did bite him in the arms once the argument became physical.

After Elder grabbed [VICTIM #1] by the shirt and bit him she stated that was when he grabbed her and threw her on the couch and held her down until we arrived. Elder and [VICTIM #1] child of 11 months [JUVENILE #1] and Elder child of 13 year [JUVENILE #2] were present during the verbal and physical altercation of the two. [JUVENILE #2] was noted to be the complaint of the 911 call.

Following the investigation it was observed that [VICTIM #1] had bite marks on both his arms along with scratches to his arm and neck, photos of his injuries were taken on scene. Due to the visible injury on [VICTIM #1] observed while on scene, Elder was determined to be the predominant aggressor and placed under arrest for OCGA 16-5-23.1 Family Violence Battery and two counts OCGA 16-5-70 Cruelty to Children in the 3rd Degree.

Elder was then transported to Monroe Police Department to be fingerprinted, due to the fingerprint machine being down she was then transported to the Walton County Jail were she was booked and fingerprinted for the offense.

[End of Narrative]

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