Gregory Barlow

Name of Accused:
Barlow, Gregory Scott

Date of Arrest:

Charges for Arrest:


Officer’s Narrative:
[Please note: The following is a direct transcription from the official initial incident report. The Georgia Gazette does not fix any spelling or grammatical errors that may exist. Any changes or redactions made by our staff are placed inside brackets. Some errors may exist. All subjects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The topics discussed may be sensitive to some readers. Discretion is advised.]

On 120423 at 1008 hours, I (Dep C. Banks) was dispatched to 1120 15th St (AUMC) room 3421A in reference to a past assault. Upon arrival, I made contact with [WITNESS #1] (listed other) who stated her boyfriend ([VICTIM #1]/ victim) was stabbed by his friend (Gregory Barlow/ suspect).

Ms [WITNESS #1] stated they were having a get together at her residence yesterday evening, which she, [VICTIM #1], and Gregory were both attending. Sometime during that get together, Gregory began to argue with her uncle because Gregory had marijuana and her uncle told Gregory to get that off his property. That altercation eventually deescalated without any further altercations.

At approximately 1800 hours, Ms [WITNESS #1] told [VICTIM #1] and Gregory that they needed to start taking Gregory home because it was getting late. Ms [WITNESS #1] volunteers to drive because she wasn’t drinking, [VICTIM #1] rides in the front passenger seat, and Gregory rides in the right rear passenger seat directly behind [VICTIM #1].

As they are traveling along Deans Bridge Rd, approaching the AM/ PM truck stop (4706 Deans Bridge Rd). At this time, Gregory began calling Ms [WITNESS #1] a bit*h for no reason, leading to [VICTIM #1] confronting him and telling him to stop talking to her like that. [VICTIM #1] and Gregory exchanged some words when she heard the sound of a knife opening and Gregory began hitting [VICTIM #1] in the face several times. She then pulls over into the AM/PM parking lot and notices [VICTIM #1] is bleeding very badly. They then put Gregory out of the vehicle and threw Gregory’s two firearms out of the truck as well. Gregory then tried to open [VICTIM #1]’s door, which was locked and then stated he had a 12 gauge bullet with both of their names on it. Ms [WITNESS #1] then drove away, leaving Gregory in the AM/PM parking lot. After leaving the AM/PM parking lot, they then drove to AUMC for medical treatment.

I then spoke with [VICTIM #1], whose statement concurred with Ms [WITNESS #1]’s statement. I observed multiple deep-cut wounds on his lower eye and the bridge of his nose. I spoke with [VICTIM #1]’s nurse, who stated his injuries consisted of several lacerations, a puncture to his right eye, and a brain bleed. I then notified Sgt Harden, who notified CID. Inv Harris responded on scene. [VICTIM #1] was given his case number and advised how to obtain a copy of the report. Scene was recorded by BWC. Investigation was turned over to CID.

[End of Narrative]

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