Jeanie Varesi

Name of Accused:
Varesi, Jeanie Ann

Date of Arrest:

Charges for Arrest:

Officer’s Narrative:
[Please note: The following is a direct transcription from the official initial incident report. The Georgia Gazette does not fix any spelling or grammatical errors that may exist. Any changes or redactions made by our staff are placed inside brackets. Some errors may exist. All subjects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The topics discussed may be sensitive to some readers. Discretion is advised.]

On January 23, 2024, at approximately 2143 hours, I responded to 1266 HWY 515, at the Piedmont Medical Center, in reference to a disorderly female in the ER waiting area.

Upon arrival I was met with security staff who stated they had a female that was brought in earlier for having chest pains from the jail. The female was on her knees in the ER waiting room, bent over a chair, yelling random words loudly, not listening to security staff.

Security stated that the female has a warrant out of Cherokee County. Security was able to provide the females name and date of birth. Dispatch advised they could not locate the name and date of birth provided. Disaptch was given the females OLN and ask to confirm the females warrant out of Cherokee.

The female was identified as, Jeanie Varesi, who had a simple assault warrant out of Cherokee and dispatch confirmed the warrant. Jeanie Varesi was placed into handcuffs as she continued to yell and scream inside the ER waiting room, as well as tense up her arms and body. Ofc. Loudermilk and I grabbed hold of Jeanie Varesito place her in the backseat of my patrol vehicle, when she started to swing her left leg outwards to kick me.

Jeanie Varesi continued to yell and scream as we placed Jeanie Varesi in the back seat of my patrol vehicle. During transport Jeanie Varesi continued screaming and yelling. The jail was advised Jeanie Varesi might resist and kick upon arrival.

Jeanie Varesi was turned over to Pickens County jail staff for her warrant and given a city ordinance citation for disorderly conduct. A copy of the warrant paperwork, citation and booking sheet was turned in.

[End of Narrative]

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