Nevaeh Morgan

Morgan, Nevaeh Mahogany

Date of Booking:

Reason(s) For Booking:

Officer’s Narrative:
[Please note: The following is a direct transcription from the official initial incident report. The Georgia Gazette does not fix any spelling or grammatical errors that may exist. Any changes or redactions made by our staff are placed inside brackets. Some errors may exist. All subjects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The topics discussed may be sensitive to some readers. Discretion is advised.]

On March 31, 2024, I received a call from E911 that several subjects were parked in front of [100 BLOCK] Houston London Drive being loud and would not leave. upon arrival, I met with complainant Kyla Johnson. Johnson who appeared to be under the influence of alcohol, had been arguing with several subjects who lived across the road at [100 BLOCK] Houston London Drive. I believed that I had resolved the issue when I had the subjects move onto the property of [100 BLOCK] Houston London. The complainant Johnson continued to argue with the subjects and had to be told to stop several times before officers left the scene.

This same date Johnson called back and advised that she had been assaulted by Nevaeh Morgan. morgan had been in the crowd that was outside [100 BLOCK] Houston London Drive. Morgan and other witnesses advised that Johnson had continued to yell and curse at the group after the officers left. Johnson reportedly began berating Morgan and calling her names in an attempt to provoke a physical altercation. Morgan advised that she attempted to leave the area several times but each time she came back outside her residence, Johnson would begin yelling and berating her. Morgan admitted that she went onto the property at [100 BLOCK] Houston London Drive to confront Johnson.

I have mixed reports of who began the physical altercation that ensued. both Johnson and Morgan had scratches and marks indicating a physical altercation had taken place. Both Johnson and Morgan were placed under arrest for disorderly conduct.

After arriving at the Chattooga County jail, Johnson who was heavily intoxicated had urinated on herself and refused to give personnel her identification information. Johnson eventually gave personnel her information and the charge of disorderly conduct was written for her part in instigating the altercation. Morgan was charged with disorderly conduct for taking part in the altercation.

[End of Narrative]

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