David Wachman

Wachman, David Scott

Date of Booking:

Reason(s) For Booking:
Disorderly Conduct

Disorderly Conduct

Disorderly Conduct

Willful Obstruction of Law Enforcement Officers-Misdemeanor

Willful Obstruction of Law Enforcement Officers-Misdemeanor

Willful Obstruction of Law Enforcement Officers-Misdemeanor

Officer’s Narrative:
[Please note: The following is a direct transcription from the official initial incident report. The Georgia Gazette does not fix any spelling or grammatical errors that may exist. Any changes or redactions made by our staff are placed inside brackets. Some errors may exist. All subjects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The topics discussed may be sensitive to some readers. Discretion is advised.]

On March 25, 2024, at 4:04 P.M., while working for the St Marys Police Department Patrol Division, I was dispatched to [100 BLOCK] Reynolds Rd in the City of St. Marys GA 31558 (Camden County) for 3 dogs attacking their livestock on the caller’s property. I responded in unit 703.

Once I arrived on scene I observed a big black dog come from the rear of the caller’s house and go through a hole in the fence and out of sight. At that moment the homeowner walked outside and was identified as [WITNESS #1]. While speaking with Mr. [WITNESS #1] he informed me that three dogs came into his backyard and started attacking one of his chickens.

While walking to the backyard I observed chicken feathers all over the back yard from where the dogs had attacked one of the birds. After looking for the body of the chicken I started walking towards Sloan St to see if I could locate what house the dog ran to.

Once I turned onto Sloan St from Reynolds St I walked past [300 BLOCK] Sloan St and the three dogs started barking at Mr. [WITNESS #1]. At that moment another officer had arrived on scene. While standing in front of [300 BLOCK] Sloan St I noticed that the front door was wide open and appeared to be no vehicles in the driveway. I informed Officer Cartagena to move her patrol vehicle to the front of the house to use the car horn to get the attention of someone inside. After speaking on the car’s PA system and honking the horn no contact was made with the homeowner.

While walking on the side of the house towards the back yard I noticed that the door on the front porch wasn’t secure and the screen was missing. When I was unable to knock on the back door I walked back towards the front of the residence. Once I walked past the porch door all three dogs came off the parch and one of the bigger black dogs charged at me. At that moment I drew my duty weapon and fired three shots at the dog while it was charging at me. After shooting the dog dispatch was informed to contact animal control to have them come out for the other two dogs.

At that moment the St. Marys Police command staff arrived on the scene which was Chief Galloway, Captain Iverson, Lieutenant Dent, and Lieutenant Rafferty. While trying to locate and figure out who the residents of [300 BLOCK] Sloan Street were, we checked the mail box and were able to locate the name [REDACTED] on a piece of mail. I was able to run the name through local on my Mobile Data Terminal and locate a phone number for Ms. [REDACTED].

While on the phone with Ms. [REDACTED] I asked who resided at the above address and she informed me that it was her son. She informed me that her son was Richard Wachman and asked what was going on. I explained to her what had occurred and she informed me that she was on the way to his residence. Once I got off the phone with Ms. [REDACTED] a vehicle pulled up and two white males exited the vehicle.

Once the males exited the vehicle one of them started hollering “No, What the Fu*k? No, No, What happened?”. At that moment my Chief and Captain approached the male to explain what occurred. The male continued to scream “Why?” and asked how he got out, Captain Iverson explained to the male that the front door was left open. At that moment Mr. Wachman walked to his residence to secure the front door to keep the one other dog inside, and was informed that animal control was on the way. While standing in the front yard by the porch door Mr. Wachman asked if we could please leave and he was informed that we had to wait on animal control.

Once Mr. Wachman left his porch to go look for one of his dogs that ran off the second male in the vehicle walked up. The male looked at the dead dog and started saying “Fiona, Fiona” to the dead dog. The male then stopped looking at the dog held his hands out in front of him and went to say something to Captain Iverson. At that moment Mr. Wachman hollered “Fu*k You” to Lieutenant Rafferty and started walking closer to her. At that moment Captain Iverson, Chief Galloway, Officer Foster, and Officer Frizzell started walking toward Mr. Wachman.

At that moment the other male started walking toward Mr. Wachman Lieutenant Dent and Officer Foster, along with myself grabbed him by his arms. Once we grabbed him he started freaking out and hollering and pulling away from law enforcement. The male was brought to the ground where I applied handcuffs to the male. While on the ground the male started screaming “Fuk you fuking pigs” along with calling us psychos before beating his head on the asphalt and busting his head. At that moment Mr. Wachman became combative with other officers and had to be taken to the ground and placed into handcuffs.

The mother of both males was on the scene and called the one male by the name of David. Mr. Wachman was picked up off the ground walked to the rear of my patrol vehicle and secured in the back seat. Mr. David Wachman had to be held up and dragged to the passenger side of my patrol vehicle until EMS arrived.

While Mr. Wachman was being placed in the rear of my patrol vehicle he continued to cuss by Calling the Chief and Captain “a dumbas and a fuking coward and a pusy as little bi*ch”.

Both males were searched and secured in the seats with seat belts. While running Mr. D. Wachman’s drivers license he started hitting his head on my passenger window to bust it out. Mr. D. Wachman was removed from the vehicle and while trying to bring him to the ground he started kicking at another officer. Once out of the vehicle EMS arrived and started to evaluate Mr. D. Wachman for his head injury. Mr. D. Wachman was transported to the South East Georgia Health system to be treated for his lacerated forehead and to get a jail clearance. His brother Mr. Wachman was transported to the Camden County Jail.

Both brothers are being charged with the Obstruction and Disorderly Conduct on warrants.

Once at the Camden County Jail Mr. Wachman asked the jailer if he could keep the handcuffs on. When the jailer asked why I told him it was because he wanted to beat my a*s for having to kill his dog.

[End of Narrative]

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