Christopher Easley

Name of Accused:
Easley, Christopher Damarcus

Date of Arrest:

Charges for Arrest:



Officer’s Narrative:
[Please note: The following is a direct transcription from the official initial incident report. The Georgia Gazette does not fix any spelling or grammatical errors that may exist. Any changes or redactions made by our staff are placed inside brackets. Some errors may exist. All subjects are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. The topics discussed may be sensitive to some readers. Discretion is advised.]

On 06/10/2023, I attempted to conduct a traffic stop on a purple 2010 Honda Pilot (Georgia tag [REDACTED]). I attempted the traffic stop due to the vehicle’s registration being canceled and expired, and the vehicle did not have valid insurance. I activated my blue lights at the intersection of Vinson Highway and Cline Avenue. As the vehicle passed Caraker Avenue, I turned on my siren due to the driver not stopping. The driver then signaled left and got into the center turn lane. The driver then made a left turn onto Pine Avenue. The driver accelerated to the speed limit. At this point in time, the driver continued to drive and I informed Baldwin County Dispatch that I was in a vehicle pursuit. The driver continued on Pine Avenue and then made a right turn on Magnolia Avenue, and an immediate left onto Oak Avenue. The driver stopped the vehicle near the address of [80 BLOCK] Oak Avenue.

I then exited my patrol vehicle and drew my service weapon and began giving commands. The front seat passenger opened the passenger door without being instructed to do so. While I was ordering the driver to throw his keys out the window, to prevent him from driving off again, the passenger stated he was about to get out of the vehicle. The passenger exited the vehicle vehicle without being told to do so.

I was able to identify the passenger as Barloshon Yarber. Due to Yarber having exited the vehicle without being told to do so, I ordered him to place his hands on top of the vehicle. Yarber placed his hands on the roof of the vehicle for a few seconds. Yarber then took them down and said he was able to walk off. Yarber then began to walk away from the vehicle and closed the door. I informed Yarber if he walked away again, he would be tased. Yarber then took a step towards the front of the vehicle without being told to do so. I tased Yarber, and did not see a change in behavior, so I deployed the second cartridge, which did cause a change in Yarber’s behavior.

I then began ordering Yarber to the ground, but he refused to comply with the lawful command. Detective McLeroy, with the Milledgeville Police Department, arrived on scene and assisted me with arresting Yarber. I grabbed Yarber’s right arm and told him to place his hands behind his back.

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